Wednesday, July 4, 2007

iLove my iPhone

I just got an iPhone and WOW! it is so amazing I can hardly put it down. I am not normally a gadget person, but the beauty of this phone just sucked me in. And no, I didn't have to wait in line for it. I went to the store and asked for one, easy as that. Setting it up was just as easy. In a matter of minutes I had synced my contacts, calendar, music and podcasts. The interface is so easy to use. I got lost yesterday, put an address into the phone and figured out where I was. I can search the Web, access Google reader and check my Gmail and Yahoo mail. And, oh yeah, it is a phone too!


  1. Lucky you! I really want one too, but I need to wait a little while to see if the price will go down. I just took a class on using the ipod in the classroom, and I'm excited to try out some of the activities.

  2. I am so jealous--NECC and an iphone! You lucky duck!

    My co-worker (Penguin Piek) said she bumped into someone in Second Life...I think you...and she was very excited. I've been on vacation, but will look you up when I get in world. ITRT stands for Instructional Technology Resource Teacher...and I think you are correct that you are one. There is a huge group of us in Virginia that have been hired on because of a legislative mandate. Penguin and I are hoping to organize and recruit more ITRTs in second life as a way to collaborate. You are more than welcome to join us!

