Thursday, June 28, 2007

Star Struck at NECC

I've just returned from The National Educational Computing Conference (NECC) in Atlanta. The most amazing part of the experience was the opportunity to speak in person with some of my Web 2.0 heroes. Starting with the edubloggercon unconference, and followed by discussions at the blogger cafe and the MassCUE reception, I personally spoke with Steve Hargadon, Will Richardson, Kathy Schrock, Joyce Valenza and Chris Lehmann. Joyce even mentioned my podcasting project in her presentation. I wish I had brought my autograph book.

It is interesting to me how starstruck I am by these people. I know they are teachers just like, but through their blogging and presentations I have found them to be inspiring educators. I guess I shouldn't be embarrassed by my awe of these people. It is just amazing to me that I've gotten the opportunity to shake their hands. I thank the edublogosphere for that!


  1. Elizabeth,

    I checked out your book review podcasts. Marvelous! I'm going to show this to our Language Arts teachers.

    John Maklary

  2. Elizabeth,

    It was nice to talk with you and I am glad you enjoyed your time at NECC!


  3. Elizabeth,
    Love what you have done here. Just added you to my aggregator. You are doing some exciting things in Brookline!
