Thursday, February 28, 2013

Teachers Unplugged - An unconference inside a conference

For the first time ever, NAIS is offering two unconference sessions within their regular program called Teachers Unplugged. At these sessions attendees are going to have the opportunity to shape their own learning. We will have multiple round tables and a variety of topics offered for discussion by those who show up.

This is simultaneously exciting and terrifying. I am helping to facilitate the process, but the reality is that is totally out of my hands. I have run many unconferences, edcamps, and edubloggercons and I have the same feelings everytime. Thus far it has always worked out, but letting go of that control is always disconcerting.

If you are at the #NAISAC13 conference this year, I hope you will come by and help lead or participate in a conversation. Several of the organizers are going to be wearing t-shirts to encourage your questions. Please take a moment to stop us and ask. The sessions are going to run before and after lunch in Hall G.

Here are a few of the topics that people have suggested they might talk about.
  • Geometry, math, technology in math instruction, math courses beyond calculus
  • Plans for a maker space in their school to support STEAM initiatives? 
  • New practices best practices in STEM/STEAM initiatives
  • Public-Private Partnership models (school-school and/or organization/consortium)
  • Bridging Conversations re ""Diversity & Inclusion"" & ""Teaching and Learning"" (ie intentional cross-cultural competency goals)
  • Global collaborations in the K-8 curriculum
  • 1:1 laptop program
  • professional development
  • social media in the classroom
  • social media for educators"
  • How to build the Intersection of Rigor and 21st Century Skills"
  • Starting your own blog
  • Going paperless
  • iPads or Chromebooks
  • Making change in a traditional school
  • Getting the best out of middle school boys
Please check out this form to add your own topic.

If you are planning to attend, please take a moment to let us know what topics are most interesting to you.


  1. Liz, I am organizing a day conference and am considering a roundtable discussion set up like you describe in your blog. Any advice? Do I need tables assigned for potential topics? Is that why you're asking for discussion topics?

  2. Hi Jane,
    We had an online form where people could suggest topics for discussion. Those were a few of the topics that were suggested and I was trying to gage interest in those topics. You don't have to do it that way. You could have people post topics that they want to discuss on the day of the event and then assign each topic a different table.

    Hope that helps.
