Sunday, November 11, 2012

Love Love Love my new Chromebook!!

In addition to piloting iPads this year, we are also looking at the new Samsung Chromebook. For only $249 you can access your Google Drive and the web through your Chrome browser. Given that we are a Google Apps for Education school and I am a very heavy user of Google Docs, Presentations, Forms and Spreadsheets, this machine fits my needs perfectly. Plus it is the size of a Macbook Air and weighs only 2.5 pounds.

I can't say it could replace my Macbook Pro for things like editing video, plus the screen is a bit small, but for just about everything else it is the perfect little tool. I'm hoping to get a class set at the end of the year and try them with the kids. I'll let you know how it goes.

Are you using Chromebooks at your school? I would love to hear about your experience.


Kathy Schrock said...

Glad you love it! Mine is on order. I am amazed at all the apps that are now available for the Chrome OS!

One quick thing we discovered at ISTE last summer...if you have an iPevo Point2View camera around, you can just plug it into a USB port and it works! Great for recording to online sites that take video. I know there is a usually a cam on the Chromebook, but you can move the iPevo one around!

Liz B Davis said...

Kathy - I do have an iPevo around. I will check that out. Thanks for the advice.

Matt - In my mind the iPad pros are the ability to lay the screen flat and keep the eye contact/connection going in a discussion and the fact that it doubles as an eReader.

The Chromebook offers the ability to easily access and edit docs and also a number of other Apps which I have yet to explore.

Maureen Tumenas said...

Hi Liz
Haven't been on your blog for a bit! I just got a chromebook to test out as a replacement for a cart of netbooks. How are they working out at your school? Still love, love, love? I have only had mine a week or so- and have now loaned it out to the 6th grade teacher to get some feedback from her.

Any caveats?

Liz B Davis said...

Maureen - Yes I am still loving it. We are going to order a class set to try with a few different classes. I will try to report how it goes.