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Demonstrating the power of educational innovation to transform learning, energize communities and inspire creative thinking.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Two For Tuesday 10/26/2010
Add your drawings and notes to any webpage and share your notes and drawings with others.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Two For Tuesday, October 19th 2010
1. The True Size of Africa A small contribution in the fight against rampant immappancy by Kai Krause
This map makes it very clear how big Africa really is. Be sure to zoom in to get the full picture.
2. Powerful list of 28 Online Image and Photo Editing Tools
These free Online tools can take your images to the next level. They do much more than rotate and resize. Many of them give Photoshop a run for its money.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Two For Tuesday 10/12/2010

This info-graphic gives you a visual sense of how big the internet really is.
2. The Most Widely Spoken Language in the World
Another interesting info-graphic showing the different languages spoken around the world and the countries they are spoken in, visualized as a subway map.

Sunday, October 10, 2010
On being different...

Each day I arrive on a campus swirling with blue blazers. My bright colors pop against a back drop of navy and khaki. Boys tower above me, many almost a foot taller than my 5′ 3″ self. My voice reaches their ears at a different pitch, less bass, more melody.
Teaching at a boys school is both a joy and a challenge. There are times when I feel my gender dramatically and times when I am just another faculty member on campus. I’ve never before been a visible minority. In my previous coed schools, not only were there girls, but most of the faculty were women. I didn’t stand out in any way.
Working here has given me some sense of what it is like to “represent” a group of people, to speak for my gender, to help boys hear a different perspective. I’m certainly not alone in this. I have many female faculty members who have paved the way before me and help me everyday to fit in and find my place. My male colleagues have made this a comfortable and welcoming place for women. Finally, I thank the boys who treat me with respect and welcome what I have to offer as an educator, regardless of what I am wearing (which most of them don’t notice anyway).
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Digital Journalism Online School Journal goes Live!

Please take a moment to check out this site. My students will be thrilled to see some hits on their stats page. If you are interested in learning more about the course, here is a link to my syllabus. I taught this course last spring, but have changed it completely for this year, the syllabus is a work in progress. I welcome your feedback on both the website and the course.