Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Two For Tuesday 3/10/09

1. befunky - Photo effects with one click, Turn your photos into artwork
Upload any photo andbefunky will turn it into a cartoon, a Wharhol-like painting a line drawing and more.It is simple to do and you can use the resulting image as an icon or profile picture. You can also create and purchase t-shirts, postage stamps, and coffee mugs (among other items) featuring your image.

2. Realtime Twitter Search Results on Google

Great Twitter plug-in for your Firefox browser. Once installed, your Google searches will show not only Google results, but also the most recent 5 tweets related to your query. This blog post explains how to first install Grease Monkey and then install the plug-in. I've done it, it is easy to do and it works.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say I hate BeFunky!
    These "photo" effects lessen the actual creative energy that goes into making a photographic work of art. I spend hours working with real photos in real situations, adding a "filter" seams like cheating.
    As an artist as well I feel these programs steal the creativity of others without compensating them.
