Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanks for the Nomination

A super big thanks to Lisa Thumann (who is also nominated for best new blog and for best resource sharing blog) for nominating my post: Ten Tips for Growing Your Learning Network for an Eddie award in the "Most Influential Post" category. This is my first nomination and I appreciate the recognition. I encourage you to check out the other nominees and cast your vote for your favorites. This is a great way to discover new bloggers and add to your learning network.

Here is the list of all the nominated blogs:

1. Best individual blog

2. Best group blog

3. Best new blog

4. Best resource sharing blog

5. Most influential blog post

6. Best teacher blog

7. Best librarian / library blog

8. Best educational tech support blog

9. Best elearning / corporate education blog

10. Best educational use of audio

11. Best educational use of video / visual

12. Best educational wiki

1 comment:

  1. You are most welcome. Well thought out post - most helpful.

    Very exciting news...

    Looking forward to it!
