Monday, November 3, 2008

Two For Tuesday 11/4/08 Election Day!

1. LoudLIt: Books on "tape"
LoudLit provides free downloadable audio book files of public domain literature. Their collection includes Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, several works by Edgar Allen Poe, The Gettysburg Address, The Declaration of Independence and A Tale of Two Cities among others. Read along with the text as you listen on your computer, or download the Mp3 file and listen on your iPod.

2. Rives: A 3-minute story of mixed emoticons
Storyteller and poet Rives tells a "typographical fairy tale" using emoticons as illustrations. The story is funny and bittersweet. It's worth it. Take a break and check it out.


  1. Holy Cow Liz!! The Rives link brought me to and I was blown away by the variety and quality of great talks. From the site itself, "Inspired talks by the world's greatest thinkers and doers." I've just added a new bookmark to delicious. Thanks once again.

  2. Gail - I love TED it is a great resources. There are so many amazing videos there. Here are a few of my favorites:

    I subscribe to their new videos - they come right to my Google reader and I can watch them there.
