Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Two For Tuesday 10-7-08

1. All Your Election News in One Place: PageFlakes
Pageflakes allows you to collect the feeds from your favorite news sources in one place. You can create your own page or a "pagecast" to share with others. This is an example of a collection of election resources including news, videos, blogs and podcasts. You can make your own pagecast at http://www.pageflakes.com.

2. Loans that Change Lives: Kiva

Kiva allows you to read through business proposals created by entrepreneurs in the developing world. Pick your favorite proposal and make a loan of as little as $25.00, or create a team and work together to fund a larger venture.


  1. Hi, I am Erick Alejandro from Guatemala... I really like your blog and what you are doing. I am now following you on Twitter. :)

  2. Thanks Erick,
    I'm happy that you are enjoying my blog. I wish I spoke Spanish so I could follow you too.
