Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Two for Tuesday 10-21-08

1. 5 Ways to Visualize the U.S. Elections
This blog post includes links to 5 interesting graphics which visualize some important trends. It includes graphs of political contribution by industry, earmarks, election polls, the presedential election in the blogosphere and an electoral prediction tracker. All of these graphs provide a different way to look at our political climate as we approach a presedential election in November.

2. UCLA study finds that searching the Internet increases brain function
"UCLA scientists have found that for computer-savvy middle-aged and older adults, searching the Internet triggers key centers in the brain that control decision-making and complex reasoning. The findings demonstrate that Web search activity may help stimulate and possibly improve brain function."

1 comment:

  1. those are really cool. I've been following fivethirtyeight.com and electoral-vote.com pretty closely. Informatics in this election (and here on out most likely) is incredible.

    I thought I was being clever with this education debate "visualization" but after seeing everything people are doing, wow.
