Monday, September 8, 2008

Updated Delicious Screencasts

Delicious is a social bookmarking Website that allows you to save your bookmarks Online and retrieve them from other places. You can also easily share your interesting links and find useful resources by exploring others' saved bookmarks. I blogged about this great Online application more than a year ago. I also created several screencasts to explain how to get an account and save bookmarks.

Since that time, Delicious has been purchased by Yahoo and the interface has changed a bit. I've created two new screencasts using the new Website. I've embedded them below. Hope you find them helpful. Please feel free to share and link to these screencasts as you see fit.

Getting a Delicious Account

Saving bookmarks with Delicious

1 comment:

  1. In my mind there is nothing better than delicious. First and best, still.

    I do diigo and I like the groups. I am on FriendFeed and I check in occasionally, but with me delicious rules!

    Thank you for all your screencasts and efforts to keep us all up to date.
