Tuesday, March 25, 2008

One For Tuesday 3-25-2008

I've been playing around with a two things this week, Diigo and Flock. I'm in the early stages of exploration, but I wanted to share some of what I have discovered so far. This week I'm going to focus on Diigo (stay tuned for more about Flock in a later post).

1. Getting to know Diigo: I played with Diigo a while ago, but didn't really get into it. Recently, I got an email from them letting me know they had an updated version of the tool, and Steve Hargadon mentioned it during one of the Classroom 2.0 LIVE events. That was enough to get me going.

Diigo seems to be a mashup of many of the best features of del.icio.us, facebook, tumblr and twitter. You can save bookmarks, share them with friends and with groups, join groups, send each other links and messages and comment on your friends' walls. Here is my Diigo Profile. It is a lot and hard to explain. So I made a screencast to show you some of the things I have discovered so far.

I used Jing to record the screencast and uploaded it to www.screencast.com and then embedded it here. I created the screencast on a machine (Vista) with a large screen, so I apologize for the size of the screencast. I can't figure out (even with the help of my vast Twitter network) how to make it any smaller (advice welcome).

Here is the link (I tried embedding it and it took over the page.):Getting to know Diigo

Here is the official Diigo explanation of its product (a little more professional than my screencast). **Today (3/25/08) at 2pm PST (5pm EST) someone from Diigo will be Online at Classroom 2.0 LIVE to answer your Diigo questions.


  1. good screencast ... helpful .. and hey - i'm in there in your friends list (G)

  2. I haven't had time to play with Diigo but after watching your screencast I will definitely go back and play with it.

  3. Hi Liz,

    Thanks for a great post and your and your friends time for checking out Diigo! Saw your twitter activities - lots of great exchanges - very interesting "teamwork" dynamics!

    Love to connect with you all on Diigo, and please share with us your diigo experience, so we can continue making it better and better.



  4. about Jing...I had the same problem. No way to resize the video, which really kind of stinks. I "spoke" with one of them and it's something they are looking at for future releases.

  5. Great screencast liz....added to my recent post as well. Looking forward to continuing to share resources with you

  6. Hi Liz,

    Thanks for the screencasts. I am enjoying using diigo and flock. I love that diigo stays synced with delicious...even when I edit the tags in diigo.

    Quick question: Did you ever figure out how to decrease screen size using jing and screencast.com? I think this could be a GREAT tool for supporting faculty by quickly making a video to show something and sending it embedded in an email.

    Thank you!
    Heather Dowd
    Instructional Designer

  7. Heather - I never found a way to decrease the size of the screencast. You could do them in Jing, post them and send your faculty the link to the Website. It isn't too big if you do it that way, I just couldn't embedd it in my blog.
