Saturday, February 2, 2008

Why I love this stuff

I am often asked - "How do you find time for all of this technology stuff?" "How do you keep up with it all?" My answer is I love it, and here are some of the reasons that I do.

1. It's inspiring - I read blogs, listen to podcasts and participate in discussions that inspire new ideas. They keep me thinking and questioning. They force me to synthesize and respond. They keep my mind awake.

2. It's interactive - The beauty of the Read/Write Web is that it is interactive. I can always find a discussions to contribute to. And if I ask a question, I can always find an answer from someone, via Twitter, Ning or a comment right here on my blog.

3. It's immediate - If I post a question on Twitter, I can usually get a response within minutes. It is wonderful to know that my network is out there ready to respond if I need them.

4. It's endless - There is no end to the new technology tools that I can explore Online. Sometimes this is overwhelming, but it is also comforting. I know I will never come to the end of my journey. There will always be something new to find around another corner.

5. It's real - After attending the Educon 2.0 conference and meeting so many of my Online "friends," I know that what exists in this virtual world does translate to real life. The people I met there were as interesting, knowledgeable and nice as I had hoped they would be.

What do you think? Why do you love this stuff? How do you find the time? How do you keep up with it all? I would love to hear your thoughts.


  1. Nice post Liz. For me, I would qualify it as "I love learning, teaching, and connecting with technology", and I think in a way, that's the bigger picture you describe here. I definitely agree.

  2. Great list Liz. I too had the same experience at Educon. I was able to make connections with the educators that I had been communicating with online - in person - and then continue the conversation when the conference was over.

    The beauty of the personal (professional) learning network has been that I am constantly developing as an educator. I can't think of a time that I look at Twitter or my Google Reader that I don't either read about a new tool to pursue or an idea to think about.

    Between the personal and professional connections and the continuous flow of QUALITY ideas I just find the time. It isn't about making time, it's about a passion for teaching and learning.

  3. Liz -
    You took the words out of my mouth. My passion for teaching and learning has skyrocketed since I started my journey into 2.0 and building my PLN. I can't wait until I can experience the translation to f2f at a conference someday!

  4. I agree on all counts. And I love the Internet, and librarianship, because of the immense variety. You can learn so many new things every day. Your patrons can ask questions that you help resolve, taking all of you places you never even though about. Thanks for good posting!

  5. Alec - Yes you are so right, it isn't really the technology it is the learning, teaching and connecting.

    Lisa - Yes, the quality of what goes on in my network is really amazing. And it was wonderful to meet you in real life!

    Kate - I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to meet you at Educon. How about coming to the BLC conference this summer?

    Mary Ann - Yes it is the variety. There is so much out there to find and explore.

  6. W00T!! I made your blog roll! It's just the small things that make me happy, so thanks. Great post, You described nicely why I do this. I think I'll show my husband s maybe he will understand.

  7. I love learning! What better way to do that! My husband thinks I am nuts spending so much time but it is energizing.

    Love your list and it was great to meet you and others at educon.

  8. Liz, I don't post very often on my blog, but in less than a year I have moved giant leaps in the direction of interactions, connections and new ways for our K-4 kids to be active online. Thanks for starting and listing other things you have discovered.

  9. It is fun. I just love technology and my students have fun whilst learning and I do too.
    It is continual learning. I am classified as a baby boomer and I am sure (or at least I hope) that it keeps my brain ticking, interested in what I am doing and enables me to constantly learn new great ways of connecting.

  10. Hi Liz;
    I am participationg in mrs. Cyndi Danner-Kuhn TEC390 class. I am not an educator but other professional area. For the first time I am exposed to podcast, and social networking. How do I find this type of community in my profession?

    Thanks for the post, I am feeling the excitement!


  11. For me, technology covers all grades, all subjects, and different types of students. It is one of the few things (other than the goal of educating students) that brings all teachers together. As a special ed teacher, I'm always looking for ways to bring general ed and special ed teachers to a common ground.
