Sunday, April 8, 2007

What is Web 2.0?

If you are reading this blog, you are participating in Web 2.0! What is Web 2.0? My idea of Web 2.0 or the read/write web is simply that the Internet has become an interactive environment. It is no longer a space where you go and watch and read, it is a space where you can contribute. In fact, to get the most out of it you should contribute.

There are many Web 2.0 tools that people use to interact on the web. This blog is one of them and if you comment or subscribe to my blog then you are interacting with me and others through the Internet. We become a community and as a community we share ideas and discuss them. One mind becomes many and many minds become one. And, our community can expand way beyond the Runkle School. Through the read/write Web the world becomes our community. That is what makes it so exciting and gives it so much potential for the classroom.

I am going to be teaching an Intro to Web 2.0 class for teachers on Thursday afternoons in May. This class will be worth 1 graduate credit. In this class we will explore many Web 2.0 tools and think about ways we can use them both for our own professional development and for our students.

Here is a look at a video that is often used to help people understand the concept of Web2.0. What do you think?


  1. Hi Elizabeth,
    I found your blog through Classroom 2.0 on Ning...I had enjoyed your delicious video and wanted to see more. I found the link to your other videos (First Class). I hope you'll be adding more as you teach your class! I've been trying to get my teachers interested in 2.0 stuff this year. A repository of how-to videos for different Web 2.0 sites would be very useful. Are all your schools Macs?

  2. Tina,
    Thanks for being the first to comment on my blog! I'm glad you enjoyed my delicious video - that is going to be part of my next blog entry. I'm trying not to move too fast. I will definitely be creating and adding more "how to" videos. The next one I'm going to make is a video on how to subscribe to this blog! I also have posted some "how to" videos for GarageBand on our school podcasting page.

    Yes all of the schools in our district use Macs.

  3. Hi
    I am also in Massachusetts (out in Southampton). Thanks for sharing your ideas and resources.
    We have PCs (not Macs) and only one cart for our entire school, so it gets tricky.
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hey Elizabeth,

    This is pretty cool. I can see a lot of ways to use it for collaborating with people. Really, the sky is the limit.

    How do you find an audience for a blog? Do you have to self advertise? Is it mostly-word-of-mouth?

    I'll check in with youabout the Web 2.0 class.

    Tanya G.

  5. Tanya,
    Thanks for the great questions! I hoped by starting a blog people would begin to start thinking of ways to apply this technology to their own teaching. This just shows that talking about a tool is not enough.

    I'm just figuring out how to advertise this blog. As you know, within our community I've been using e-mail conferences. To get a bigger audience I think you need to comment on other peoples blogs and then link back to your own. Also there are Networks like Ning, which I have just started to discover, which have led people here (more about Ning later).

    If there are other more experienced bloggers out there, how do you get people to read your stuff?
