This is simultaneously exciting and terrifying. I am helping to facilitate the process, but the reality is that is totally out of my hands. I have run many unconferences, edcamps, and edubloggercons and I have the same feelings everytime. Thus far it has always worked out, but letting go of that control is always disconcerting.
If you are at the #NAISAC13 conference this year, I hope you will come by and help lead or participate in a conversation. Several of the organizers are going to be wearing t-shirts to encourage your questions. Please take a moment to stop us and ask. The sessions are going to run before and after lunch in Hall G.
Here are a few of the topics that people have suggested they might talk about.
- Geometry, math, technology in math instruction, math courses beyond calculus
- Plans for a maker space in their school to support STEAM initiatives?
- New practices best practices in STEM/STEAM initiatives
- Public-Private Partnership models (school-school and/or organization/consortium)
- Bridging Conversations re ""Diversity & Inclusion"" & ""Teaching and Learning"" (ie intentional cross-cultural competency goals)
- Global collaborations in the K-8 curriculum
- 1:1 laptop program
- professional development
- social media in the classroom
- social media for educators"
- How to build the Intersection of Rigor and 21st Century Skills"
- Starting your own blog
- Going paperless
- iPads or Chromebooks
- Making change in a traditional school
- Getting the best out of middle school boys
Please check out this form to add your own topic.
If you are planning to attend, please take a moment to let us know what topics are most interesting to you.